اتک زدن با دراگون

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اتک زدن با دراگون

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In this attack strategy you will mainly use dragons as main destructive force! This attack is great especially for low-level Town Halls!

! KEY POINT: For th7+th8, check the end of this reply for two videos with successful 100% attacks using the given army compositions from below. The two videos are available for you to watch, and also there is a full description of the attacks below the videos. 

Characterization: This attack strategy is characterized mainly by brute force and often considered as simple and trivial. However, you need to do more than spamming your dragons in a single spot if you want to achieve the best out of this army composition.

Army Compositions based on Town Hall level:

  Town hall 7 Town Hall 8 Town Hall 9 Town Hall 10
Army Troops 10 dragons 8 dragons+8 balloons 11 dragons 12 dragons
Clan Castle Troops 4 balloons 5 balloons 1 dragon+2 balloons 1 dragon+3 balloons
Spells 3 lightning spells 3 lightning + 1 poison 2 rage + 2 healing + 1 poison 3 rage + 2 freeze spells + 1 poison
Heroes King King King+Queen King+Queen
Destruction Targets 100% (3stars) 100%(3stars) 50% (2stars) 50% (2stars)

Note (Regarding Dark Spell Factory Spells): The dragons are units which move a lot around the base and barely stay in place. They can easily change target and move from their original spot, therefore I do not suggest using Haste Spells for them. My only suggestion for dark spells is to use the Poison Spell for the CC.
Note2: The percentages shown in the table above assume the opponent have a decent arrangements and level of the air defence units. If there is an air defence missing or they are not well upgraded for the specific TH level, then the percentages may expand and you may aim for more than the

Note3: Depending on the opponent's base, for TH7 and TH8 you may remove one dragon and exchange it for more 4 balloons.
Note4: The information given above represent my own experience with dragons over all Town hall Levels. I am currently sitting at TH10 and experienced using dragons across all 4 given TH levels.

How to attack

Town Hall 7 + Town Hall 8 - Aiming for 100% attacks

1. The first thing you need to take into consideration before deploying your dragons into battle is to decide where you will attack from. Usually in a mass dragon attack, you will need to decide a whole line where you will attack, a line which needs proper preparations for the dragons to achieve their target, the centre of the base. You can do this by deploying your hero+1 dragon/2 dragons. After you decided the side you will attack from, deploy your hero, in one edge of the line, the other edge being covered by a dragon. By doing this, you will leave some buildings in the middle, but will secure the path for the dragons to the central area.

In the example above, two dragons were deployed to form a path for the rest of the army into the central core. If you do this successfully then your second star is assured.

2. After you made a clear path for the dragons to the middle, it is up for your spells and CC to get into action.
Case A: If you chose to bring rage+healing spells, then you will deploy your CC troops(balloons) from behind your army of dragons. This will assure that the balloons will get in the centre up until the deepest air defence structure. Using the help of the spells too, you should have no trouble getting to the other side of the base and successfully defeat your opponent.
Case B: If you bring lightning spells, then you will use them against the air defence which is the farthest unit from the point you decided to deploy your dragons. After you used your lightning spells, you will deploy the CC troops (balloons) following 2-4 balloons of yours against another air defence unit which is closest to the side. (see the videos at the end for an example)
Note: See the end of this reply for two videos using the Case B technique successfully.

3. After you finished step 2, there is nothing else you can do than watch how the attack goes. One thing which could be left here is if you did not deploy your king yet, you can deploy it later in the attack near an Archer Tower to allow the dragons continue without being hurt. By doing this, the King will distract an Archer Tower so that it won't ruin the attack.

Town Hall 9 + Town Hall 10 - Aiming for 50% attacks

1. The first thing you need to take into consideration before deploying your dragons into battle is to decide where you will attack from. Usually in a mass dragon attack, you will need to decide a whole line where you will attack, a line which needs proper preparations for the dragons to achieve their target, the centre of the base. You can do this by deploying your heroes/2 dragons. After you decided the side you will attack from, deploy your heroes, one in each edge of the line. By doing this, you will leave some buildings in the middle, but will secure the path for the dragons to the central area.

In the example above, two dragons were deployed to form a path for the rest of the army into the central core. If you do this successfully then your second star is assured.

2. After you cleared the path for the dragons to the central core, you can start to deploy all your dragons in the middle of the line you picked, followed by the CC troops (dragon+balloon). Once you did this, you can drop one rage spell right at the first set of walls, followed by a healing spell in front of it. 

3. After you finished with step 2, all is left is to drop the second rage and the healing spell for the dragons that managed to get into the central core, to assure the destruction of the TH.

How to deal with the CC troops

There are two options which you can choose from related to dealing with the CC troops.

1. Ignore them. The dragons, with their splash damage, can deal with the CC troops quite easily.
2. Deal with them by using one of your heroes or 2-3 balloons to drag them out. After you dragged them out of the CC, you can deploy a dragon at the side and then the rest to support the first one. 
SUGGESTION: If you are using Lightning spells as your main spell composition (th7+th8), then you might want to lure the CC troops in a way so that when you drop your Lightning Spells onto the Air Defence, the spells will destroy both the air defence and the troops. See the VIDEOS at the end of this reply for this technique.
3. BEST: Use the poison spell to kill the CC. Always predict the path of the CC troops and place the Poison spell in front of them, predicting where they will stop!