موسيقي كلاسيك و سازهاي آن

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موسيقي كلاسيك و سازهاي آن

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با درود. بزودي كتاب تاليف شده توسط اينجانب منتشر خواهد شد. نام كتاب موسيقي كلاسيك و سازهاي آن مي باشد كه براي علاقمندان وارد بازار نشر خواهد شد . تمامي مطالب كتاب از پژوهشهاي انجام شده توسط اينجانب تحت نظر اساتيد بزرگ موسيقي كلاسيك در تهران انجام شده است. 

متن اين كتاب و مقاله هاي آن در يكي از مجلات اروپايي به زبان انگليسي و فرانسه برگردانده و چاپ شده است. 

Ali Abutalebi plays two Iranian musical instruments .

 He plays viola , too.

Ali started Iranian music with Tombak when he was 17 years old. He continues to play it nearly 5 years .

Then he started to play the Iranian repertoire music with Setar and he learned it by himself.

He visited some famous professor of Iranian music Like Mr . darush talaee and was profited by their presence.

He played successfully both of Tombak and Setar in the same time .

In 2009 , with some pieces of famous german musician , Bach , he started to play classic music by viola . Now he is practicing some pieces of great Italian composer and musician , Nicola Paganini , by viola .

       This young ingenious has a good sense of music . He also has a good technique of performing musical knowledge about all kinds of musical instruments.

He likes a lot playing viola until being a good musician .

He to continue it as a job in world famous Orchestras. please write your suggestions and your critiques for him .

Thankyou very much for your kindness and your protection.